Well we're nearing the end of October and this means Pink for October is also nearing it's end. It's been an a-m-a-z-i-n-g month and I've learned so much. I met a lot of wonderful people and discovered I could fit even more into an already packed schedule, hah!
For me this was the first Pink for October where I held the online reigns for PinkforOctober.org Although is was a new journey it certainly was not a solo. We had several lovely souls step up to help and none more so than my dear friend Sherry of finding the Fierce. A HuGe thank you goes out to Sherry for her unending help with all things Pink! From providing a wealth of website content and single-handedly posting on our new pink blog to her own weekly interviews and informative videos, Sherry has done an amazing job of educating, enlightening, and touching our hearts! Thank you so much my dear friend♥
I learned so much this month and in some cases more than I wished to, as in the case of Pink Washing and idiocies like pink hand guns, but this month was also filled with heartwarming stories like that of Cathy Bueti ~ I was fortunate enough to win a copy of her book Breastless in the City.
We had a lot of visitors to the website and our new Facebook page was a huge success! Of course there were many more tasks I wish I could have accomplished but all-in-all I think we did a pretty terrific job of pulling things together in just a few months. It was a great kick off to this new pink adventure and I'm profoundly thankful for the opportunity.
I want to thank all of you who participated in this global event ~ from donning a pink ribbon to turning your entire network pink (waves to Bon and the MOF group!), each one of you helped carry this torch a little further and may indeed have saved a life. So even though pink is winding down for the month let's remember what we've learned and continue forward ~ self examinations are a must-do in our monthly routines and mammograms are an essential part of our annual check ups ~ whether man or woman. And remember, you can always find more resources on the PinkforOctober.org website, blog, and Facebook page!