

Just when you think everything's peachy with those nasty gremlins their big ugly uncle comes a'visitin'...

At this point I'm rather speechless with all the image issues we had and I'm sure all of you are even more frustrated and baffled. I do sincerely apologize. Even though these type of things are out of our control we can't help but feel a sense of responsibility for it all.

Today's issue was caused from a server outage with GoDaddy so none of our lovely PrL images were showing up, not even my website. ugh! Several headaches later, the issue has been resolved and all is as it should be. (you may need to refresh/delete your browser cookies to see them again)

Sometimes I think about getting out of  theme game, although there aren't alot of problems they sure do wreak havoc when there are... but then I remember how much I love making pretty things. So if the monsters are done now, the faeries and I can get back to work~~