We will try to provide image hosting for all blog themes; both custom and prefab, for the next few months.
You are welcome to continue using any prefab and custom images by providing your own image hosting. You can save a copy of any images you wish to continue using on your own.
You are welcome to continue using any prefab and custom images by providing your own image hosting. You can save a copy of any images you wish to continue using on your own.
Tutorials and Themes
The tutorials and themes sections will be closed in the coming weeks. You may print a copy of any tutorials for future use.
Other urls
We are in the process of closing any associated social media sites.
The Etsy shop has been inactive since last Oct and will remain so until we are able to access it.
The Etsy shop has been inactive since last Oct and will remain so until we are able to access it.
Outstanding Orders
Unfinished orders will be fulfilled by sending working image project files, when available. Partial refunds will be issued for unfinished work, if applicable. There is no estimated delivery timeframe for project image files or partial refunds but we are working to complete these as soon as possible.
Tech Support
We are unable to offer any technical support or assistance.
We're human, so if anything has been missed we'll work to correct it as soon as possible. We sincerely appreciate your patience during this difficult time.