With New Years quickly approaching and 2010 winding down, what better time to hold a end of the year SuPeR SaLe and so now through January 2nd enjoy 25% off EvErYtHiNg in my shop ~
Just enter code: YearEnd2010 during check
Example Savings
$65 custom blog themes - now $48.75
$9.95 blog banners - now $7.47
$38.95 custom blog banner - now $29.22
You'll even save on items already on sale in my shop, for example...
2011 artist calendar templates - originally $35,
marked down to $15.95 - now $11.97
And for those of you interested in dressing up your blog for the approaching new year, here's a little freebie I've created just for you.
Simply click on the image above to be taken to the codes and free banner images.
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year and as always...