
A Sign of Things to Come

I thought I would give you all a view into the future today ~ a look at what the future Blogger Dashboard area will look like. If you're anything like me, change isn't something you cherish... you get used to things; the way they function, where they are, all your tutorials set up correctly (oh wait, that's just me ~ sigh!) but like taxes and other looming dooms in life, change is inevitable.

To combat its on come, I always take the proactive approach and personally feel that if I can acknowledge the change then the initial "blow" isn't quite so bad ~ so this post is for that, to view the change, rant a little, examine it a bit, and then move on to happier things.

So without further adieu, here is a screen shot of the future look for the Dashboard area of our blogs...

click to view a larger version ~ this is a snapshot from my own dashboard

To help you recognize what you're looking at, here is what the Dashboard currently looks like...

click to view a larger version ~ this is a snapshot from my own dashboard

This is the area where you can update & view your profile info, view a list of blogs you run, and find updated postings from blogs you follow. I found this new look by visiting the "draft" section of my blog, something we all have. To find your own draft area simply log into your blog and then visit this link ~ it will automatically go to your own Draft page.


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