
Sound of a Smirk

Shed Off Old Skin ~ That's the title of my son's new single, just released on iTunes and destined to be a new alternative hit, but then what isn't in this proud Mom's heart! I had the pleasure of creating the album art but this posting isn't about that~

Jesse spent some time in the recording studio with this song and the mix is simply wonderful! He's found a new producer and plans on recording several of his original songs in the studio to come out with an EP ('extended play' for us dinosaurs) later this year. I really love the quality of this song and how it builds, I described it as a full bodied wine and he was pleased with that. It probably shouldn't amaze me that he wrote all the music and lyrics but it does ~ certainly a talent I don't possess.

So if you've got 99 cents to spare and wish to listen to a wonderfully talented alternative artist then hop on over to iTunes and grab a copy of Sound of a Smirk's Shed Off Old Skin ~ here's the link. Oh and if you're someone who enjoys Facebook here's the link to his FB page -


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