Wow, can you believe it's Friday already?? Where did this week go? Personally I've had my head buried between work and my final project for school. I haven't finished my final yet, still working on that, but I have this resent class project to share.
It isn't often I take the time to hand draw a design but for class assignments it's an important aspect.
I liked how it turned out but was bowled over when the professor contacted me to find out if I would be willing to sign a release so they could use it as an example for future assignments ~ um, yeah!! Talk about flattery, wow!
On a side note, has anyone else noticed how glitchy Blogger has been lately? I'm still learning my way around the new user interface but what's up with the Post feature? Every time you mouse over a line it moves ~ really annoying (and that's coming from Miss Positive-Pants). If any one knows a fix please feel free to share and if I find one I'll be sure to post about it.
Wishing you all a wonderful end of the week!