Did anyone happen to notice a sudden drop in their feed subscribers? Turns out Feedburner is experiencing some major technical difficulties. In looking over my own feed, as well as many of the other blogs I've set up for previous customers, it appears we all share a whopping 0 subscribers! *gulp*
This is a pretty huge "oops" for Blogger/Google/Feedburner and one they're currently "working on". We can only hope this goes a lot better than some of their past efforts and here's hoping we don't all have to start over from scratch.
On a happier note, well at least personally speaking, I finally have my very first (ever) video tutorial up on YouTube. You can view the posting by clicking here where I have the video inserted. I'm hoping this will be a new beginning in helping bloggers navigate their way through the new Blogger user interface. I'm really nervous, as I suffer from a bit of 'stage fright' with recording instruments, but hopefully that doesn't come through in the videos too much. If you find yourself on my actual YouTube channel then please be kind and click the "Like" button.
If you are personally struggling with any part of the new Blogger interface then leave me a comment and I'll add it to my video "to-do" list.