A while back I wrote a blog post titled "Connecting". Within that post I included a few images, a quote, and a video ~ all of which I had found on Facebook through other friend's musings and page postings. I found the content particularly inspirational and so I felt with the proper citations I could share them with my audience. All was fine until yesterday when I received a comment from a blogger informing me that one of the images I used was her own original work and I did not have her permission to use the image.
I was mortified.
Of course it drives me crazy to see my own images used or altered without my permission but as an artist, an Art Education student, and being someone who tries to literally "live" the change she wants to see, the concept that I had inadvertently infringed on someone's copyright was absolutely horrifying.
Fortunately Kinga, the aforementioned artist, included a link to her diviantArt page within her comment and so I was able to contact her directly. I think it's important to share this part because I could have easily just removed the image, deleted the artist's comment and none would have been the wiser but in truth I would have missed out on a wonderful opportunity. You see upon visiting her page I was met with the most exquisite imagery I've seen in a very long time...
The Christmas Miracle by Kingabrit
Honestly this is my type of art ~ it's eclectic, whimsical, and phantasmagorical all rolled in one.
Here was an artist who's gorgeous images have been featured in such noted publications as Advanced Photoshop...
I can only dream of her talents and aspire to create with her imaginary greatness...
New Moon Rises by Kingabrit
And so I wound up contacting Kinga. To my delight she was gracious and kind and allowed me to keep the image in my original post, with proper credit and links now in place. I think this important to share because too many times it's easy to get our feathers ruffled and can so easily miss little treasures. From my perspective it's an absolute privilege to be able to share such beautiful imagery with you and an honor to converse with such a talented individual. Beyond this I've had the opportunity to add one more artist to my own "Inspiration" section and found an opportunity to share her with all of you. It's wonderful to find the flip side to difficult situations and I do believe these opportunities are out there if we're only willing to look for them.
Here is a direct link to Kinga's deviantArt page if you wish to find out more about her artwork or follow her yourself: http://kingabrit.deviantart.com/