
In Between

In between working on a few custom orders and posting a some new etsy shop image sets, I'm currently working on revamping the layout of my blog/website.

It's tough to keep it all straight sometimes... the themes... backgrounds.. headers... and other goodies I offer and I figure if I'm having difficulty keeping it all straight what about my visitors??

So hopefully the little(o.k.... a lot) of work I'm doing at the moment will pay off in the end and we'll all find Plumrose Lane a little easier to navigate.
In the meantime, if you're an etsy shop owner, click here to check out the new shop sets I have listed in mine and as always...



Music in my Magic button

I was leaving a thank you today for some lovely comments left on my blog and without thinking wrote "...the music in my magic". My thinking was that every comment makes my heart sing and if my heart is the source of the magic in the work I do (which of course it is (*winks*) then the comments left must be the music in that magic. I loved the thought of this so much I created a new blog button and so here it is, for all you lovelies who share in the work I love doing and fill my heart with sweet inspiration...

Music in my Magic button
I love the larger version so much I'm posting that one too♥

Looking for more of my free buttons? Click here

Creating is fascinating to me because the truth is I look at the images I create and think "wow, that's great" - as though it was created by someone else. And that's really how it feels. I honestly don't know where the ideas come from. Rather than setting out with a plan, it's more like putting pieces of a puzzle together and when it's finished you look and say, "ah, that's what it was supposed to be". It's all rather strange but I thought I'd share it with you since you're reading this far.

Now, the thought of a new button reminded me that I've noticed in my blogland travels that some of you struggle with having white background behind your images. Since I create most of my buttons, badges, and sidebar tags with clear backgrounds it only seems far to share with you some info about how to maintain a clear background behind the smaller images. And so I've created a little step-by-step tutorial to help out with this...



A Magickal Project

I have the most wonderful pleasure of adding to my portfolio, the magickal designs of Sea Gypsy Magickals. The owner/currator, Joanna, contacted me a little over a week ago about working on a project for her new business and I was utterly delighted and honored.

Joanna filled my mind with her enchanting dreams of sea themed elements and made the process such a pleasure that in the end I really we feel we created this theme together through my dashes of images and imagination and her inspiration!

And so Joanna is now the proud owner of a new...

Blog Theme...
I especially loved working on my first vintage image colorization - what fun that was!

Etsy shop theme...

Twitter background...

and a few other enchanting elements...
Joanna was also one of my recent donating contributors and so her business name is now proudly displayed to the right under my angels sidebar list.

Thanks be to the universe for dropping such a wonderful customer, beautiful soul, and delightful project in my lap! Do stop by her links listed above when you have a chance and wish Joanna good luck!



Mad Tea Party 2010 - finally!

This is the original post I wrote for the Mad Tea Party with blog theme and tutorials, now completed...

I know I've been naughty with not posting any handy tutorials or blog themes lately and there are always so many ideas rumbling around in my head - there's the summer theme with beach and tropical flowers or the patriot theme for July 4th, just around the corner... but you see I've just been so busy this summer spreading my wings as a social butterfly... there was last week's Where Bloggers Create and now today I'm attending the ~ The Mad Tea Party 2010! The great news is you're all invited too!!

Now the truth is I'm not one for balloons and streamers, little garden table-side settings and enchanting vintage tea sets - don't get me wrong, I love them - I just don't have those items readily available at my disposal so I've decided to join the party in my own way by presenting you with a goodie bag chocked full of fun in the form of a little tea party blog theme and tutorial!

So to begin, here is a lovely free blog theme titled....

Tea for Two
free - 2 column background code

free - 3 column background code

These backgrounds were created for use with the Blogger Minima templates. If you need help installing these backgrounds just click here to visit my helpful tutorial.

free - Blog Headers
Simply click on the images above to enlarge them to actual size and then right click to save to your computer. If you need assistance with installing a blog banner/header here's a helpful tutorial for that.

free - Decorative Tags
If you need assistance installing my decorative tags a helpful tutorial may be found by clicking here.

I also have to be honest and share that I'm doubling up on my social commitments because there's a story behind the enchanting tea themed images I used for this background. You see several months ago my dear friend and teammate Maggie of Magpie's Nest & Inspiration Avenue sent out a little invite to join in a Supplies for Tutorial exchange. All you had to do to participate was use some of her beautiful digital collage sheets from her etsy shop, Magpie Mine, in a tutorial and she would supply the sheets for free. Well, who could refuse the opportunity to get their hands on some of her gorgeous supplies so I signed up! And so a very special thanks goes out to Maggie of Magpie Mine for providing these gorgeous vintage collage sheets and for her immense patience in waiting for this tutorial♥

I would also like to extend a very special thanks to Vanessa of A Fanciful Twist, not only for holding this wonderfully Mad Tea Party and all the work that goes into having such an event but also for hosting one of the most enchanting blog I've had the pleasure of visiting in blogland. You've gotta love her eye candy!

And now before you scamper off to visit more of the beautiful blogs participating in this fantabulous MaD party don't forget your other favor... why, it's the tutorial I promised above... and what might that be you ask? Well, how about...