
A Backup to the Backup

I wanted to write a followup to my earlier posting about backing up our blogs by saving the template. While this will save a copy of the general info & layout, it will not save a copy of your blog theme ~ in other words your banner and background images will not be saved.

Personally I keep copies of all of my customer's blog themes so that if they run into issues their images are safe but I know alot of custom graphic designers do not. Soooooo, if you love your blog theme and don't have a backup, here's how to save them....

Begin on your own blog and right click on the image you want to save,
Depending upon which browser you're using (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) a small pop-up menu will open up listing a number of choices.

You'll want to look for something that refers to viewing the background image, here's what it looks like using Firefox on my own blog...

I've highlighted the pop-up box in pink

Scroll down and click on the option that refers to viewing the image, this will bring up the image in a window all by itself such as in the example below...Next scroll over the image until you see a magnifying glass and the click ~ this will enlarge it to it's fullest version.

Next, right click on the image once again and now select the "Save Image As" option (again, this may be worded differently depending upon the browser you're using)...

From there, select to save the image in an easy to remember location on your computer.

That's it!

Remember that each browser can behave a bit differently and offer different options so if you don't see the exact choices, try to one that best relates to the situation and what you're trying to accomplish.

I can tell you that I originally tried this in Chrome but found that it didn't offer a "view image" option so I ended up using Firefox. Using multiple browsers isn't a bad idea either; it offers options for web browsing, so don't be afraid to try something new.


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