Fortunately a friend of mine needed a custom Facebook cover image. He loves the sea, steampunk, and feels a connection with old British naval ships. So I went with that and worked to incorporate those elements as well his favorite quote into an original image.
It's funny about classwork because we're supposed to come up with several ideas but for me, usually when I have an idea it comes pretty well in it's completed form and that was the case with this project. Still we have to begin by creating several thumbnails to depict a "narrowing down" process and so this is what I submitted...
I have to say I had loads of fun drawing that little ship and love the way he came out!
After that we were to work on several color studies with different strategies and so I handed in these...
I knew full well my final project wouldn't look anything like these rough sketches and remembering from last quarter when the professor and students were disappointed to see my project take a dramatic shift from a 2-D visual rendering to a more 3-D style, I made sure to include details in my original project statement that would, in a sense, cover my a_s...
Next it was time to work on our "final drafts" which in my case meant an awful lot of work in a very short amount of time, primarily because moving into a more 3-dimensional presentation means alot of cutting, pasting, painting, manipulating and layering...
Creating in an almost collage style to come up with an original piece of work is a real challenge but it's something that seems to come naturally to me. I'm not even sure what the process would be called but the end result is successful and that's what counts.
Finally it was time to fullfill my original intent of making this piece appear to be on old weathered map paper with a truly vintage feel, so here is the final outcome....
I'm super happy with the end result and so is my friend. I ended up getting an A on the project and in the class, which means so much in striving for future scholarships and additional funding as I work toward my degree.
I hope all of you enjoyed this little glimpse into my final project. Next class begins this week and it's Art History ~ something I've never studied before but am excited to learn more about. I'm looking forward to sharing what I learn with all of you!